When you first become pregnant, or think you may be pregnant there are many things that may have you panicking – from bleeding to negative tests and figuring out exactly when you became pregnant. The more you learn about early pregnancy concerns, the better equipped you will be to handle these situations should they arise.
Concern #1 – The Period
You are sure you are pregnant, well at least pretty sure. Perhaps you even have a confirmation from your doctor or a home pregnancy test. So why are you bleeding? Before you collapse in a fit of tears thinking that something may have happened to your baby you might want to consider that you are indeed pregnant and experiencing something called implantation bleeding. This occurs when the fertilized egg embeds itself into the wall of the uterus and can closely mimic a period, complete with the cramps, tenderness and light bleeding or spotting.
If you are bleeding quite regularly, requiring tampons or pads, and have moderate cramping or pain in the abdomen you should talk to your physician. These types of symptoms can be an indication of an infection or miscarriage and should be dealt with immediately. If you are pregnant and still seem to be having a normal period you should also make an appointment so they can confirm the viability of your fetus with an ultrasound or blood test.
Concern #2 – Due Date
Not all of us write down our periods on the calendar, or even remember when the last one was. Unfortunately, the first thing your doctor asks when you become pregnant is “what was the first day of your last period?” This is a somewhat important question because it determines your due date.
While there is nothing necessarily wrong with not knowing this important date, it does make it a bit more cumbersome for you and your physician. Certain tests need to be performed when your baby reaches a particular gestational age, so not knowing the precise date can make it more difficult to schedule these tests.
If you and your doctor cannot determine your due date you will likely be scheduled for an ultrasound. Using marker such as the length of the baby’s femur (leg bone) and estimate as to size and age can be made.
Concern #3 – Pregnant Or Not Pregnant?
Your period is late, but your pregnancy test comes back negative. How could this be? Before you go on a drinking binge for your birthday or to drown your sorrows you should double check your dates. If you are only a day or two late it could be that your cycle is just a little off this month, or it could mean that you are pregnant and the test didn’t come out properly. Wait another day or two and try again, you may get the results you are looking for.