Postpartum Depression May Require Hormone Therapy
When you are experiencing depression, you have little or no energy to get help for yourself. So many people think that if you just make up your mind to get over it, or start to think good thoughts, then the depression will go away but this just is not so. This is...
For How Long Should I Breastfeed My Baby?
Unfortunately, children don’t come with an instruction manual. Having a baby is a new experience for every mother. And every baby is different. Today we are bombarded with advertising and it’s sometimes hard to think clearly in all the noise. And there’s certainly a...
The Advantages of Breastfeeding
Almost every new mom looks forward to being able to breastfeed her newborn. Many Mom’s will tell you there is a special bonding between them and their nursing baby. In addition to this special bond there are many other benefits to breastfeeding for both mom and baby....
Baby Care and Breast Feeding Go Together
Breastfeeding your baby can be the most fulfilling thing a mother can do for and with her child. The emotional benefits become so important to the mother as well as to the baby. It also provides nutrition to the baby, which cannot be duplicated any other way. The...
Breastfeeding – A Simple but Loving Act
Breastfeeding can be a most rewarding experience for mother and baby. It is a time when you can cuddle and get to know each other, getting to know your voice, and when your baby is held on your breast, your milk production will come and baby will be ready to feed....
Breastfeeding – The Ups and Downs
When it comes time to make the decision to breastfeed babies there are a lot of things that have to be considered. If this is not the first baby then the mom is going to be quite familiar with the advantages and disadvantages of the breast feeding routine. Most...
Breastfeeding With Implants
Most often new moms that have never done breastfeeding before and even those that have and have since had breast implants are concerned about whether they can naturally feed their baby. The concern is whether there are any potential consequences to the baby as a...
Baby Milestones During the Second Year
By the time your baby gets to the end of their first year, a large portion of their physical development will have been completed. That having been said, that represents a lot of building, with the major milestones usually coming during the second year. Physically,...
Baby Milestones at 10 to 12 Months
By the time a baby reaches the final quarter of their first year of life, a large part of the base for the rest of their development has already been laid. Average babies will finish laying the base during these last three months, while advanced babies might start on...
Development of Your Baby at 7 to 9 Months
At the point in the development of a baby when they are in the third quarter of the first year of their life, you can definitely expect them to start accelerating a lot of their physical and cognitive development. As far as the physical development is concerned, you...
Your Baby from Four Months to Six Months
Your baby should have already developed quite a bit in terms of minor things like recognition and sound-making within the first three months of their life and their development within the second quarter of their first year essentially continues along that path. One...
Your Baby in the First Three Months
Once you have actually had your baby, the parenting begins. No parents are perfect and even the best parents are going to make mistakes from time to time. However, understanding what is expected in a baby’s development can help you prepare for and adjust better to the...
Feeding and Nutrition for Older Babies
Making sure that your child eats a healthy diet that is well balanced is one of the most important tasks of parenting. It will help to alleviate the chances of future complications such as obesity and will help your baby to stay well. The food that your child eats is...
Is it Normal to Crawl Backwards?
Nearly every parent wonders at some time or another if what their baby is doing is normal. Is that behavior part of development? Maybe they have some reason to be concerned about what the child is doing or attempting to do. One of the things that concern many parents...
Toddler Care: Sleeping with Eyes Open
One of the very freakiest things you’re probably going to see with your older baby is this one. Sleeping with their eyes open is quite common in older babies but it never fails to get a reaction from mom and dad the first time they see it. Rest assured that it’s...
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